Thursday, October 19, 2017

8 Tips to Navigate FNCE

By: Molly Diehl

1. Come prepared
Sometimes we forget the small stuff when attending a huge conference such as FNCE. It can seem overwhelming or a lot to plan out ahead of time, but don't overlook the small stuff either. Pack a notebook for taking notes in or cash that you might bring to purchase books and materials you come across. Bring a phone/laptop charger and a big comfortable bag to carry it all in (although you will probably get a free one at the expo). If you plan on going to the expo, you will be sure to fill up on all the free goodies there too like granola bars, coupons, and reusable grocery bags!

2. Grab some coffee
It's different every year how many coffee stands are set up and what the options look like, but you
can count on one thing every time, long lines in the morning!  If you are trying to make it to that 8am session expect long lines from 7:30-8am. Try grabbing coffee at your hotel or supporting a local coffee shop downtown. Better yet, carry around a thermos or water bottle just in case you find yourself getting thirsty throughout the day!
3. Get to know the city and night life
Yes the conference is wonderful in all of its glory, but so is the city that you are visiting. One of the great things about having FNCE at a new location every year is exploring what the city has to offer us. Most of us LOVE food which is probably an understatement, so make sure to check out the food scene, get inspired, and get some steps in by walking around to break the grind of sitting all day. 

4. Meet up with friends/alumni/mentors 
 FNCE is not only a great place to get your CEU's, but it's also a time to connect with your RD friends from all over the country! Whether it's going to an event together or grabbing a bite to eat, plan some time to catch up with those you don't get to see that often. Look ahead at what restaurants and cafe's you can dive into for a quick bite to eat around the conference center before hand so you don't waste too much time finding a place when you meet up.

5. Network, network, network
Networking sometimes can sound easier than it ends up actually being. If you don't know how, sit in on the session that provides you with great advice. Don't be afraid to hold a discussion with the presenter of a session after it's all said and done. Sometimes its as simple as sitting next to someone before the next session begins and striking up a conversation there too! Try comments like "Where are your from?" or "What is your job back home?"  But most importantly be yourself! When you get back to your hotel room every night, make a list of the names of the people you met and connect with them on LinkedIn or social media and follow up with them after FNCE if it meant a lot to you! 

6. Update social media accounts and business cards
Remember if you are doing all this networking, it's best to update your business cards and contact information. Not only update your business cards, but bring plenty of them! You never know how many connections you might make in one packed yet fun weekend!

7. Pack smartly 
Conferences can be hard to dress for. FNCE is a business casual conference. You are at the conference center for most of your day so you want to be comfortable. However you also have to take into consideration that you are networking and possibly making a first impression to some people.You also have to account for the temperature of the conference center and the weather of the city. Maybe consider flat shoes and outfits that don't wrinkle as much. Always bring a cardigan or light jacket that is easy to carry around on or off. Don't forget abut the night life either if you plan to go our for a couple of drinks one night, plan on an extra outfit for that too!

8. Download the FNCE app
This is a FNCE essential. It is so easy to navigate and it's even better that we have it at our fingertips on our phones! We carry around our phones anyways so why not carry our agenda with it?  The app can be downloaded on both androids and i phones and just search FNCE 2017. You can find more information on the speakers, plan out your sessions,and explore who (and where!) all the exhibitors will be! You can even take notes on the app and send them to yourself in an email later on!

Picture Sources:

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