Thursday, November 9, 2017

Time Management Tips for a Dietetic Internship

By: Lauren Flieg
My name is Lauren Flieg and I am currently a dietetic intern in Saint Louis University’s dietetic internship and master’s program. SLU’s internship is more than I could have asked for and I have truly enjoyed my experience so far, but the program is very rigorous. It requires many hours of work on top of rotations and class time. It is necessary to stay organized and on top of your game to successfully complete the internship/master’s program while being able to enjoy it as well. Therefore, I thought I would share some time management tips for a dietetic internship.

Buy a Planner!
This is a must. With having crazy busy schedules, it can be easy to forget an assignment or task that needs to be completed. After buying the planner, go through your class syllabus and write down dates of all the homework assignments and tests. Then go through your rotation schedule and make notes of pre-work that needs to be done before each rotation and a timeline of when you are going to finish everything else on your rotation checklist. Also, note how long it will take you to drive to your rotation sites. I have been at a hospital that was 20 minutes from my house and at another that took me 1 ½ hours to get there. Driving may take up a big chunk of your day, which can interfere with task completion if not planned properly! Take the time to look at your schedule every night so you can start the next day knowing what goals your focus should be on. Just remember, you know you best; therefore, set your planner with goals that are attainable to you. 

Develop a Routine
Since there is so much going on at once throughout the internship (while still trying to have a social life outside of the internship) a routine is very helpful. Getting a planner can help you with this! Routines can promote structure, build good habits, and decrease stress. This can encourage organization and in itself be a time management trick!

The Pomodoro Technique
This technique is something that I found very helpful when I am having trouble completing tasks or procrastination has taking over. This was brought to my attention my senior year of undergrad and I wish I would have known about it earlier. The Pomodoro technique promotes breaks so that your full attention can be given when working on homework. The steps include: 
  1. Decide on a task to complete
  2. Set a timer for at least 25 minutes and no more than an hour
  3. Work on the task until the timer goes off
  4. Take a 5-10-minute short break
  5. Repeat 4 times.
  6. After the 4th repetition, take a longer break. (I take 30 minutes to an hour break)

There is even a timer online at that can be used but a cell phone works too. This technique may seem a little silly but honestly, you’d be surprised with the productivity and focus that derives from this method. This also helps with better time management because it aids in determining how long certain tasks will typically take. So, try it out and see if it works for you. If it doesn’t that is okay but if it does, it can be EXTREMELY helpful!

Take a Day Off
Wait, what? I thought this blog was supposed to give me tips to manage my time to help me get things done. Well…Yes that is true, but everyone needs a day off every once in a while. SLU’s program, along with many other dietetic internship programs, requires a lot of attention and focus but constantly going and never taking a break will wear you down. If you are so tired that reading another page of your text book will take the next 20 minutes, then put the book down and take the night off. Go to bed early, watch Netflix, workout, do anything other than school related stuff. Now, this is something that can’t be done every night, but it is necessary every once in a while. Giving your mind a break from working all the time can re-energize the brain and the body.

Download an App
Pretty much everyone these days has a phone, so why not use it to help you stay focused? There a few apps that can aid in staying motivated to complete tasks. If your phone distracts you often during a homework/study session, then the app “forest” is the one for you. This apps motto is “stay focused, be present”. You pick a timeframe to work on a task e.g. 20 minutes, 35 minutes, 1 hour. The goal is to build a forest and while you work, a tree grows. However, every time you use your phone during that time frame, it damages the tree. When you stay focused and allow a tree to finish growing, you gain points which can be used to ‘buy’ different trees and plants to grow. Also, this app shows the total amount of study hours you put in each week. The great thing about Forest is that it is linked with the organization Trees for the Future, which actually helps plant trees in developing countries. 

Another app called Todoist can help manage tasks and projects wherever you are! This can act as a planner on the go, keeping track of everything that needs to be done. Todoist aids in organization and reaching goals. The thing I like about this app is that you can send yourself reminders, prioritize tasks in order of importance, and it is free!

These are just 2 of many, so if you think something like this would benefit you, check these out or find one that works for you!

I hope these few tips about time management aids in the success of your dietetic internship! Thanks for reading and good luck!

Pomodoro technique:
Forest app:
Todoist app:

Picture sources:

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