Tuesday, November 21, 2017

How to Survive Thanksgiving with your Tofurkey

By Hailey King

Ever thought about quitting meat, cold turkey? I tried it and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.

At the start of my dietetic internship, as I was moving into my new apartment with two other interns, they dropped the V word on me. They told me that they were both VEGETARIANS….. and guess what we had for dinner that night? Vegetarian curry with huge chucks of tofu and eggplant. Dessert was popcorn tossed in nutritional yeast. It was a bit of a shock at first, the curry was great as long as you could navigate past the islands of floating tofu and eggplant and the popcorn, well that was unique. So that night I started my three-week journey of becoming a vegetarian.

Week One:
The first few days were easy because we had left over curry to pack for lunch, and I didn’t need to think much about what I was going to have for dinner since my roommates took charge of cooking that first week. Then at the end of the week I had to make dinner and the pressure was on. I decided to make a sofritas bowls like the ones you can get from Chipotle. This application was actually amazing! Rather than leaving the tofu in large chunks I decided to scramble them resulting in smaller pieces and a far better texture.

Week Two:
Towards the middle of the second week I was starting to crave bacon, breakfast sausage, roasted chicken and a juicy Big Mac. I haven’t even eaten at McDonald’s in three years! As a result of a vegetarian diet, I was craving the fattiest animal proteins and those cravings continued into the third week.

Week Three:
The cravings finally subsided slowly half way through the week. At the completion of my third week I could walk through the grocery store without even wanting to stop by the meat section. That Friday I made an amazing vegetarian gumbo without the tradition bacon and the andouille sausage the depth of flavor I was able to create with tofu was incredible.

After completing my three-week trial of become a vegetarian I decide that it was not for me. Every now and then I would like to indulge in an animal based protein. In many ways, I would consider myself a flexitarian. For everyone who doesn’t know what a flexitarian is, it’s somebody who eats mainly a plant based diet and occasionally have a small portion of animal protein.  I would high recommend everyone to try being a vegetarian for at least a week. You will be able to learn so much about not only yourself, but also how to creatively cook different vegetables in a tasteful way.  After being a vegetarian for a short while I have a better understanding of the trails and tributes of being a vegetarian and overcoming the challenges of eating out.

 Headed into the holiday season many people have asked my roommates and myself how we are going to survive without eating the turkey. The answer to that is simple. Eat all of the sides, but if you’re worried about if there was bacon fat or chicken stock used in making those sides, then you can always bring your own sides and your own tofurkey.

What the heck is a Tofurkey? 

It is a meat substitute in the form of a loaf or a casserole of vegetarian protein, usually made from tofu (soybean protein) or seitan (wheat protein) with a stuffing made from grains or bread, flavored broth with herbs and spices.

You can find them in the frozen section of many grocery stores. They only cost $8.99 and they have a very similar texture to other animal protein, but it is completely vegetarian. They are also very easy to cook. Let the tofurkey thaw out in the refrigerator, as it will generally take anywhere from 1-2days to be thoroughly thawed. Preheat the oven to 350F and bake the tofurkey for 45 minutes.

While the tofurkey is baking you can make the vegetarian mushroom gravy. In a medium sized sauce pan, sauce thinly sliced mushrooms, 2 cups, over medium heat in olive oil. once the mushrooms are cooked, about 5 minutes, add the seasoning packet that came with the tofurkey and then mix in two cups of water. Allow to simmer for 10 minutes or cook to the desired thickness you like your gravy. Enjoy!

If becoming a vegetarian for even a week is too scary for you then you can always give Meatless Mondays a try. For more information about Meatless Monday visit the following website:  http://www.meatlessmonday.com

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