Monday, May 14, 2018

Allergy Queen

By Kelsey Wright

The emotional connection we have to food
is something to which we all relate.
Food restrictions can easily ruin your mood
and are often difficult to embrace.

Food is often how we relate to others
since we eat when we see family and friends.
Food is how love is shown by our mothers.
If you don’t eat her meals, it could be an offense.

There are many reasons why we change our diet
like for diabetes, Celiac, and weight loss.
Sometimes we just like to cause a riot
when we walk in looking fit and like a boss.

For diets, the beginning is always the worst
because you start off without a formulated plan.
You stare at diet cookbooks with lips pursed
and realize you’re no longer a free man.

Many times, you don’t have to be extreme.
You can eat some foods from time-to-time.
You can still have a little bacon or ice cream
or some of your favorite key lime.

But if you’re even more restricted
and can’t eat those foods no matter what,
it can make you quite conflicted
and can easily put you in a rut.

Today, this is my strategy:
to talk especially to those of you
who have gained food allergies,
mostly if they’re giving you the “allergy blues”.

I’m here to tell you it will improve.
It will seem hard initially,
but you’ll settle into a groove
and become an allergen expert officially.

Here’s a story to which I personally relate
to help give you some hope
that you can and will acclimate
and begin on an upward slope.

Adult-onset food allergies
can truly cause a grown woman to cry.
Especially when she misses cheese
and ice cream… and also pie.

I know a girl who has gone through this
who’s allergic to 12 different foods.
She can’t have pizza, strawberries, or swiss.
Most things at the store, her diet excludes.

She started out by reading every food label,
walking down every grocery aisle,
and finding things to eat if she was able
to help change her lifestyle.

Next, she learned to be creative
and make recipes that were completely new.
Her family became more accommodative
and cooked things that she can eat too.

At her wedding, she had a special cake
and now eats cashew milk ice cream all the time.
She’s learned she really loves to bake
and her favorite sauce is now avocado lime.
Her love of cooking grew with her confidence
and the situation turned out to be ideal.
It’s when she developed patience
that the little sadness inside of her healed.

This is when she gained a mastery over her foe
and slayed the bothersome allergen “serpentine”.
She then sat down in her contentment throne
and dubbed herself the allergy queen.

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