Monday, March 5, 2018

Let’s Get Clinical

By Alix Opfer 

Terrified is an understatement. This is how I felt when walking into my first clinical rotation. The word “clinical” was never something I related with. The thought of being in a hospital was not attractive to me and I had no intention of loving my clinical rotations while in my dietetic internship. I started at Missouri Baptist Hospital, my first day of clinical rotations with ten other interns and our graduate assistant. We guessed our way through the charting system and took turns going in pairs to visit patients. Our graduate assistant would ask “who wants to go next?”. I would hide behind my laptop or use the restroom at this time to avoid the experience. When I did have to see patients, I basically wrote a script of what I wanted to say so I wouldn’t forget from the nerves hitting me. I knew that I was going to have to get used to speaking with patients eventually, I just tried to defer that day as long as I could. These days were in late August of 2017.  
Fast forward to February of 2018, I have completed a number of weeks at various clinical rotations including gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, diabetes, pediatrics and oncology. As the weeks went by, I felt myself becoming more confident in talking with patients and providing educations. The fear went away pretty quickly as I was forced out of my comfort zone. Now 7 months later, I feel that I have little to no anxiety when entering patient’s rooms. I feel that I have made large steps in confidence in myself when working in a clinical setting. I still have TONS to work on, but I am happy to report that I would no longer hide behind my laptop or run to the restroom when asked to see patients J

I’m not writing this just to tell you that I’ve grown in this internship. I’m writing this for future dietetic interns who are fearful of the word “clinical” and believes they may have some anxiety as well when visiting patients for the first time. I can relate and I can also tell you that with practice and experience, it becomes much easier and you truly learn the value of the knowledge gained when working in a clinical setting. I’m still unsure that a clinical setting is particularly my forte, but I know that I have learned more than I ever thought possible in my clinical rotations. Clinical dietetics is truly the foundation that we need to be great dietitians. For those potential dietetic interns that have never worked in a clinical setting and are worried about this large aspect of the internship, I have a few tips for you that have helped me:

1. Think of an introduction: Practice how you want to introduce yourself to patients

2. Look at the chart carefully: a patient’s previous notes are what guide you, look carefully and thoroughly (labs, meds, old RD notes, etc.)

3. Learn your medications: I struggle with medications, a fellow intern made a large compilation of medications to help learn what each medication does. I wish I would have done this at the start of the internship

4. Comfy yet professional: wear comfortable clothing, especially shoes

5. Be confident in what you know

6. Handouts….and more handouts: use handouts to help emphasize your topic

7. Ask Questions: you will have tons of questions, don’t be scared to ask them

8. Enjoy! Even if a rotation is not your favorite, learn what you can 

I’m sure that the other interns have many other tips that they could add, but these are just a few things to keep in mind when starting into your clinical rotations. My main point is that for those that have never worked in a hospital, talked with patients in a clinical setting, or are just nervous in general; I can relate.

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