Monday, February 27, 2023

Sunflower Butter Energy Bites - A Big 9 Allergen Friendly Snack

 Written By: Julia Horowitz; SLU Dietetic Intern

So far throughout my experience in rotations, I have noticed the lack of allergen friendly snacks available in hospitals, universities, and stores in general. According to the USDA, 4%-8% of children in the United States, and about 2% of adults are affected by food allergies. In fact, each year anaphylaxis reaction caused by food may result in 2,000 hospitalizations, 30,000 emergency room visits, and unfortunately, 150 deaths in the US. Food allergies are a serious issue and people needing these food modifications need to have options. 

So you may be asking, what are the big 9 food allergens?

Even though there are many foods, 160 plus foods, that can cause people to experience allergic reactions, there are 9 that are the most common. Peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, milk, eggs, fish, sesame, and wheat cause about 90% of all allergic reactions. Besides anaphylaxis, foods may cause people to feel itchy in the mouth, flushed skin or rash, difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, wheezing or coughing, and abdominal cramps. 

It is extremely important to read food labels before consuming any snacks or food items. 

Wheat Allergy: 

This is not to be confused with the gluten free diet. This occurs when antibodies are produced in the body to fight off proteins in wheat. Celiac disease is a reaction specific to gluten, which is a different immune reaction. Symptoms of wheat allergies include hives, anaphylaxis, headaves, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, and swelling at the throat or mouth. Wheat is found in foods like bread, crackers, soy sauce, dairy, semolina, breakfast cereals, cakes, muffins, pasta, and spelt. Oftentimes people who have this allergy may be allergic to oats, barley, and rye. 

Peanuts Allergy:

This allergy is one of the most common allergies. People with this allergy may experience anaphylaxis, itching, runny nose, tightening of the throat, vomiting, and digestive problems. This allergy can also occur due to direct contact, cross-contact, or even inhalation. 

Tree Nut Allergy: 

This is an allergy to nuts such as cashews, almonds, walnuts, pine-nuts, and lychee nuts. This allergy is very hard to outgrow, as only 10% of people with this allergy are about to outgrow it. Symptoms of this allergy include nausea, diarrhea, anaphylaxis, abdominal pain, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath. 

Shellfish Allergy: 

This is an allergy where the body creates immune reactions to proteins found in marine animals, such as crab, scallops, lobster, shrimp, oysters, snails, and squids. Some symptoms of this allergy are anaphylaxis, hives, swelling of the lips, dizziness, nasal stuffiness, abdominal pain, and irritated skin.


This allergy is very common, as it affects 1% of the U.S. population. This includes allergies to salmon, tuna, catfish, cod, anchovies, tilapia, trout, flounder, grouper, amongst others. It is important to avoid products such as fish oil, fish gelatin, fish flavoring, and other sauces that may contain traces of fish or fish oil. Symptoms of a fish allergy include anaphylaxis, swelling of the throat, abdominal pain, skin rashes, vomiting, or diarrhea. 


This allergy is very common in children. This can be an allergy to cow's milk, goat milk, and buffalo milk. Symptoms of this allergy include vomiting, coughing, swelling of the lips and tongue, itching around the mouth, abdominal cramps, and watery eyes. Milk can be found in foods like yogurt, butter, cheese, whey, casein, artificial cheese and butter flavor, and candies. 


This allergy may develop as early as infancy, however, it is possible to outgrow. Someone with an egg allergy may develop a reaction a few minutes to hours after consuming eggs. Symptoms include anaphylaxis, cramping, vomiting, nausea, hives, and nasal congestion. Eggs may be found in products such as bread, mayonnaise, breaded foods, frosting, pretzels, pasta, salad dressing, processed meat, and marshmallows. 


It is estimated that every 1 in 100 people are allergic to sesame seeds. Sesame can be found in baked goods, sushi, bread, crackers, soups, dipping sauces, processed meats, and dressings. Symptoms include anaphylaxis, hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, and dizziness. 


This allergy is most common amongst infants. It is when the immune system reacts to soy proteins. Soy is found in tempeh, soy-non dairy alternatives, soy protein, tofu, soy sauce, miso, natto, tamari, and hoisin. Symptoms of this allergy include anaphylaxis, indigestion, hives, eczema, vomiting, nausea, itching, stomach cramps, and feeling of tightness in your throat.

References: d-allergies :~:text=A%20child%20or%20adult%20with,Nasal%20congestion 3 me ut

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