Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Thai Curried Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

Written by Cayce Chaykowsky; SLU Dietetic Intern

         The fall weather is the perfect time to stay indoors and make some soup. Butternut squash is a staple fall ingredient. It is a very popular ingredient used for soups or roasts during this time of year. Butternut squash is a good source of potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and fiber! I always enjoy a good bowl of butternut squash soup, but I wanted to make it different this time. I thought why not add some spice! The recipe I decided on is a Thai curried butternut squash soup from Cookie & Kate. This will be my first time trying this recipe and I’m excited!

            Thai curry is a very authentic dish that is popular in Thailand. It usually consists of different pastes to add spice to the dish. The red curry paste contrasts beautifully with the sweetness from the butternut squash to provide a nice dish full of flavor. Curry spice has anti-inflammatory properties, can boost your digestive system, and can improve heart health due to improved blood vessel function and blood flow. The recipe calls for coconut milk which is a staple in Thai cuisine because it can cut the spice of a dish. The coconut milk and butternut squash add sweetness to the dish that cuts the spice of the red curry paste, creating a beautiful dish of a warm spice. The coconut milk provides a lactose free source of medium chain fatty acids, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. One serving of this soup provides 169 calories, 16g carbohydrates, 12g fat, and roughly 2g protein. The soup does have a higher saturated fat content

        .Reflecting on this experience, I enjoyed spending time cooking this dish with my friends. We all got involved with different tasks, like cutting the butternut squash and combining the spices. I love that aspect of cooking. Spending time with family and friends in the kitchen is something I have loved ever since I was a little kid. As for the flavor, the soup tasted amazing. It had the perfect amount of spice for my preference. If you try this at home, you can always add more spice. All recipes are customizable. I was so happy to try a different way of preparing one of my favorite soups during the fall season. We toasted a baguette to dip in our soup. The next time I make this dish, I would like to try adding rice and whole vegetables to add some texture to the soup. It might help make the dish more filling. I hope you will try this at home with your family!

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