Monday, October 17, 2022

Experience at FNCE 2022

 Written by Andrew Ceballos; SLU Dietetic Intern

        Coming up to FNCE, I had no experience going to a professional conference of any sort. Being a dietetic intern, budgeting is important in our very busy lives. Once the news spread about a really good deal on a flight to Orlando, I knew it was time to book the flight. Every intern from our class that was attending FNCE in person was on the same flight, so we had plenty of time to bond. At the boarding gate I looked around and saw multiple laptops open, headphones in, and focused faces trying to complete assignments, rotation work, or even studying for exams before we depart from Missouri to the sunshine state. 


        Looking through the topics and sessions for FNCE, I was surprised to find so many topics that were interesting to me. Among these were Athletes with Eating Disorders, Optimizing Sleep for Better Health, and Nutrition Counseling for Individuals with Disabilities. On Day 1, I was able to attend sessions on athletes with eating disorders, the evolution of cystic fibrosis management, plant-based nutrition and chronic disease, and intermittent fasting in athletes.  


        Day 2 of FNCE had another wide array of topics. The first session I attended was on inflammation and metabolic disease. Next, I had the opportunity to listen to Ginger Kerrick speak about her life and accomplished career with NASA. I also attended nutrition counseling for individuals with disabilities which was my favorite topic because of my experience working with this population. The final session I attended was on cancer and exercise. I also was able to attend the poster sessions both days and learn about what others in the profession are doing while also getting to interact with businesses about their products and companies. 


        Knowing myself, I never thought I would I enjoy a conference as much as I was able to enjoy FNCE. I was able to advance my knowledge in a variety of topics, some that I know better than others, and consider these when returning to my classes and dietetic internship.   

TikTok of Experience

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