Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Food Waste & Insecurity in the United States

 Written by: Tene Smith, SLU dietetic intern

            The impact of food waste in the United States is higher than any other nation in the world. One could derive to the conclusion that this would mean the United States would not suffer from food insecurity. However, both crisis, food waste and food insecurity are at an all-time high, affecting more than 50 million food insecure Americans to date ( . Yet, many efforts are in active process to bring these numbers down, some with the aid of dietetic professionals. In the food service industry, some ways dietitians can prevent food loss/waste are related to overproduction, underutilization, menu changes, portion control, composting, and purchasing.

How can waste be prevented?

Products should be purchased that would provide the least waste in production and service. Smaller plates and containers also contribute to the lack of food waste through portion control. The portion sizes would help determine how much product needs to be purchased. Therefore, this assists in preventing spoilage and excessive food cost. Also, purchase only what is needed. Avoid impulse, bulk, and sale purchases of fresh items if not planned for consumption, canning, or freezing prior to expiration.  If there are leftover or excessive amount of product available, repurpose it into new menu options such as a soup, casserole, or stew. Scraps can also be used in stocks and/or composting.

                Support of dietetic professionals can assist in implementing ways to prevent food waste and insecurity in the United States. Although these practices will make a great impact in reducing the crisis, it will take individual interest and acts of the American people to put an end to food waste and food insecurity.

Resources available for those experiencing Food Insecurity:



Saint Louis University Billiken Bounty Food Pantry:  (SLU Students Only)

Check out this infographic below:











Murray, R. (2020). More people are going hungry than ever before. Inside the efforts to help. Today: Food. Retrieved from

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