By JoJo Buckley
It has been known for a long time that the media, from advertisements to movies, influences our ideals for what a “desirable body” looks like and, in turn, affects our own body image. This has been seen, often, in women, particularly Caucasian women, being portrayed as skinny. This is often achieved through photoshop and unhealthy eating habits. It’s widely known and recognized throughout American culture that this phenomenon is common for women.
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(Marvel, 2019) |
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(MarvelSource:Whimn) |
The first
problematic aspect of the Superhero Body is that the actors who often must
achieve this body type do not normally lead a lifestyle that would allow them
to have this type of body. Instead, they must lose or gain weight to achieve
the chiseled six pack ab look and they’re often only given a few months to do
it. This leads to weight cycling or weight yo-yoing, which tends to have
negative effects on one’s health (see below). The methods which they use to
obtain these bodies in those few months are also not particularly healthy. They
often have to eat the same diet everyday with only so much variety. For
example, Michael B. consumed chicken at multiple meals in one day while gaining
muscle for Black Panther (Thorp, 2020). The
protocols, too, often involve exercising multiple times a day in order to build
In addition to
the months of build up to shirtless scenes, actors also have specific protocols
a few days before the scenes to get their muscles to stand out for the
shirtless shots. Often, this process involves dehydrating oneself for at least
3 days before the day the shirtless scene is shot. Then, on the day of
shooting, they have to keep themselves dehydrated so that their skin basically
shrink-wraps around their muscles. Benedict Cumberbatch described this process
for Dr. Strange as involving drinking coffee and eating Skittles on set
so that he would be dehydrated enough that his muscles would stand out for his
shirtless scene (Singh,
These diets
and protocols are also problematic because they are glorified by the larger
media. Actors are praised by interviewers
and media members (Thorp,
2020) for how great they look. Many webpages explain
to consumers how the actors got in such great shape and how you can, too (Kantor, 2020). Additionally, these movies and television shows reach
very large audiences, larger than almost any fitness influencer could reach by
themselves. For example, Thor: Ragnarok, which features Chris
Hemsworth’s ripped torso and arms (seen to the right), had a world-wide box
office gross of $853,977,126 (Thor: Ragnarok). In the United States alone, it grossed $315,058,289 (Thor:
Ragnarok). The average ticket price the year it
came out was $8.97. This means that around 35 million people in the US alone
saw this movie that glorified a chiseled, dehydrated body type. And this is just one movie. There are
many movies and television shows that themselves reach extremely large
audiences across the world that portray this type of body as desirable or
healthy. This leads general audiences to believe that these methods are a great
way to get in shape and that it is normal to have a very low body fat
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(Everett Collection, 2019)
It’s very
clear that this portrayal of desirable male bodies is not healthy. While it
might be easier to identify how this can mislead and harm consumers, I’m going
to start off discussing its effect on actors.
First, this
idea that your body must look good for your job and for consumers objectifies
actors and can seem to separate one’s body from health, which is impossible. It
can make it so the actor is their body. In addition, this portrayal and process
of getting a superhero body can make one look healthy through unhealthy
means. The general process is unhealthy because, first, it often involves
either losing or gaining large amounts of weight in a short amount of time. It
is recommended that one should only lose 1-2 lbs at a time at the most. If an
actor has to lose 50 lbs in three months, this means he has to lose more than 4
lbs a week. Losing weight at a rate faster than 1-2 lbs per week for 6 months
is recommended to avoid losing vital protein tissues but instead reduce fat
stores over time (Mahan
& Raymond, 2016). It also helps avoid a sharp
decline in rest metabolic rate that comes with rapid weight loss. Gaining
weight quickly is not as dangerous as losing weight quickly, although it still
may have negative effects. Most importantly, if one gains weight quickly, it’s
very possible that not all the weight gained will be muscle. (This is why
actors must dehydrate themselves before shirtless scenes - to expose the
muscle.) There are many diseases that correlate to excess body fat which can be
a problem if an actor gains excess body fat along with muscle. Only 500-1000
calories a day should be added to one’s diet to achieve positive energy balance
to gain muscle (Mahan & Raymond, 2016).
Gaining and losing weight for roles throughout their careers means that actors
change weight often throughout their lifetimes. Research is still emerging
about weight yoyoing, or losing and gaining weight in cycles, but this pattern
may have undesirable metabolic and psychologic effects (Mahan &
Raymond, 2016).
dehydration in order to get their muscles to “pop” on screen is also harmful to
the actors. Excessive dehydration can lead the following symptoms depending on
percentage of body weight lost: discomfort; loss of appetite; increased effort
in physical work; nausea; difficulty concentrating; difficulty in or failure to
regulate excess temperature; dizziness; increased weakness; muscle spasms;
wakefulness; delirium; decreased blood volume causing an inability of blood to
circulate normally; and failing renal function (Mahan & Raymond, 2016). Are these symptoms worth looking good on screen? I would
argue that they are not.
This relationship of using diet and exercise solely to achieve a specific, desirable body can also lead to a toxic or negative relationship with food. Food does, of course, play a role in weight management. However, tightly controlling your diet to the point where you cry on cheat days (Colbert & Skarsgard, 2016)
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(Baum, Cycles of an Eating Disorder 2019) |
(Zac Efron 2019)
More broadly,
controlling your body through rigorous dieting and exercise will almost
certainly take a mental toll. Actors such as Zac Efron and Richard Madden have
spoken about how mentally unhealthy having to have a six pack for the camera
is. Zac Efron spoke about worrying about water under skin turning his six pack
into a four pack and stressful it was to maintain a body like that (Alexander, 2020). Richard Madden has gone even further, speaking out not
only about how difficult mentally it is to follow a strict diet to have a
six pack that shows up on screen, but also about the harmful judgement that
comes from those on set to look good for the camera (Edwardes &
Maitland, 2019). This type of pressure can fracture
one’s relationship with food. Health not only includes looking great, but also
includes feeling great as well. As mentioned above, food should be used to
nourish oneself and to support one’s health. This not only means eating to
avoid disease, but also eating to support one’s mental health. Constantly
thinking and worrying about how food is going to affect your weight or your
appearance is not mentally healthy and therefore not healthy generally.
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(Wilson & Getty Images, 2019)
As mentioned
before, a portrayal of this type of chiseled, “perfect” body is not only
harmful to the actors themselves, but to the consumers of the media in which
these bodies are depicted. Whether they are aware of it or not, it is natural
to compare your body to someone who is on screen and who you hold in a place of
honor. By having actors playing superheroes, action heroes, and other types of
protagonists have these types of bodies, Hollywood is sending the message that
someone who is successful or heroic has a chiseled six pack with barely any
body fat. Because of this, audiences can easily internalize that these types of
bodies are what is desirable. It perpetuates the myth that this type of body is
what healthy looks like, at least for cis men. However, while eating generally
healthy and moderately exercising 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week is
necessary to avoid diseases related to poor nutrition, we in the nutrition
world like to emphasize that what your body looks like does not necessarily
portray how healthy you are. It is your actions that determine your health.
Additionally, those who subscribe to the mindful eating approach say that you
decide what health is for yourself. But when constantly being bombarded with
images of ripped men as symbols of success, consumers tend to expect that this
is what healthy looks like and that they can follow these diets to “be healthy”
and look good. This, again, can lead towards poor body image and possible
disordered eating. If actors on screen were allowed to look the way they
normally do when living their normal lives, audiences might better receive the
message that health, success, and heroism doesn’t have one look, and that these
are decided by their actions, not how they look.
Many actors do stay in shape and try to stay healthy in their lives. It has led some of them to lead healthier lives than they had previously. This is not a problem. But using extreme tactics to get actors to reach a peak “desirable” body is not. While these adverse effects have not necessarily been documented, it is important to recognize that this is unhealthy for both the actors and the consumers. It is important to emphasize that actors are not their bodies. They are their personalities and talents, as all of us are. They are their uniqueness and personal energy that they bring to the screen to entertain us, challenge us, and transport us to a different world. The best solution for this problem is for actors to show their bodies on screen as they are, without going to extreme measures to look good and to normalize this practice to make actors feel comfortable in their bodies, regardless of how they look. This would help the actors maintain a healthy relationship with their food and their body image while also normalizing body positivity for consumers and culture at large.
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