Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner

By Nikki Fischer

This week my fellow interns and I had the opportunity to visit some cattle farms with the Missouri Beef Council.

Did you know that Missouri is ranked 3rd in U.S. for beef cow inventory?!

On our tour we were able to see the different practices between dairy farmers and beef. While the farms were quite different, one thing did stay the same: the treatment of the animals. Recently, the media has had a hay-day (pun intended) when it comes to cattle farmers. Videos have been released showing horrendous treatment of the animals, but I can tell you no malpractice was happening here! The cows at both farms seemed happy and healthy and the farmers took much pride in that.

The first farm we were able to tour was the dairy farm. We were even able to see a calf that was 20 minutes old! The workers were kind enough to show us how the cows are milked daily. On average, a dairy cow will produce 6-7 gallons of milk each day! Did you know milk contains 9 essential vitamins? Calcium, protein, vitamin D, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, and phosphorus all help building and maintaining strong bones and teeth! One of my favorite parts was going through the everyday life of a farmer. The work isn’t easy, the days are long, but farmers are so passionate about what they do.

The second farm taught us so much about beef! Did you know that 91% of beef farms and ranches are family owned? Not to mention, U.S. beef has one of the lowest carbon footprints in the world! In the U.S. the greenhouse gas emission from cattle is about 2.0%. While beef has a negative stigma around it currently, lean beef is packed with nutrients and has relatively low calories. 

To be considered “lean” a 3.5 ounce of beef must have: less than 10g of total fat, less than or equal to 4.5g saturated fat, and less than 95mg of cholesterol. The myth around meat is that Americans are consuming too much red meat, but in reality, the average American consumes about 1.7oz of beef daily. The recommended amount is about 5.5oz from the Protein Foods group per day. Beef is packed with iron, choline, protein, vitamins B6 and B12, phosphorus, zinc, niacin, riboflavin, and selenium, which gives you the nutrients your body needs!

We had so much fun with the Missouri Beef Council on Monday and learned so many new things! I am so glad we were welcomed into the farms to see what happens behind the scenes.

For more information on dairy or to join the official Dairy Nourishes Network: https://www.nationaldairycouncil.org/content/2019/national-dairy-council-join-the-dairy-nourishes-network

To learn more about the Missouri Beef Industry Council: https://www.mobeef.org/nutrition

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