Monday, March 18, 2019

Meatless Meals!

The What, Why, and How of Cutting Down On Meat In Your Diet

By: Sadie Pierce-Mulligan

A little background on me: I grew up regularly helping my parent’s cook, which sparked my love for food, cooking, and nutrition. This helped lead me toward wanting to become a registered dietitian! I have also followed a vegetarian diet for over 22 years. I’m always creating new recipes that give me all the nutrients I need and keep me satisfied until my next meal! Which can be achieved through a vegetarian diet if done correctly. Before you stop reading, I’m not here to tell you that you should eliminate all meat from your diet. I just want to share some of the benefits and ways you can decrease the amount of meat you consume. 
Why Eat Less Meat?
Going meatless just once a week, yes, just 1-2 meals a week, can improve both your health and the environment! Decreasing meat consumption can lower your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. While high red and processed meat intake can increase your risk for these same diseases. Eating less meat improves the environment by decreasing the greenhouse gas emission and saving large amounts of water used to produce livestock. Cutting back on meat can also decrease your grocery budget. Building meals around beans, legumes, vegetables, and whole grains tends to be less expensive and more beneficial for health.
How To Eat Less Meat and What To Eat Instead
I realize that the concept of eating a meal without meat is hard for a lot of people to understand since it is a large part of the western diet. Meatless meals don’t just have to be about taking something out of your meal, it should be about adding more to it! Plant-based diets emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, and nuts. These dietary components are high in fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients that are good for your health.
There are also MANY satisfying substitutes for meat. There are beans and legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, black beans, soybeans, kidney beans, and more. There are other proteins such as seitan, tempeh, and tofu. Finally, there are products made out of combinations of these ingredients. Some of my favorites include Gardein products such as meatless meatballs and chick’n strips, and Morning Star Farms veggie burgers.
Will You Get Enough Protein?
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends choosing a variety of proteins, including eggs, low-fat milk and products made from it, beans and peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds. These sources of protein are higher in fiber and lower in saturated fat than meats such as beef. Many individuals concern is that without meat you won’t consume enough protein. This is a common misconception and most people actually eat too much protein on a daily bases. The average person needs about 50-70 grams per day. These needs vary based on body size, activity level, and other factors.
Plant proteins and other alternatives contain higher levels of protein than most people think!
Egg: 6g each
Chickpeas: 14.5g per cup
Black beans: 15.2g per cup
Soybeans: 28.6g per cup
Lentils: 17.9g per cup
Tofu: 22g per cup
Veggie Burgers: About 10-15g per patty
Meatless Meatballs: 14g per three meatballs
Now that you know how to concur your meals with a variety of different proteins, I think the question is: Why not eat more meatless meals!?
If you need some more inspiration on what to eat, here’s one of my favorite recipes:
Chickpea Tacos

6-8 corn tortillas
1 can chickpeas, drained
2 cups Gardein beefless ground, frozen
2 Tbsp Olive Oil

Taco seasoning:
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp salt
½ tsp paprika
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp onion powder
¼ tsp dried oregano
¼ tsp black pepper
1 pinch red pepper flakes

Anything you like! My favorites are green onions, cilantro, lime juice, and salsa

  • Preheat oven to 400F
  • Drain chickpeas and place in a large bowl, add beefless ground
  • Add olive oil and taco seasoning to the bowl and mix together
  • Spread taco contents on baking sheet and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until slightly crispy, stir halfway through
  • Warp tortillas in a paper towel and microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute until warmed
  • Place about ½ cup of taco mix onto each tortilla
  • Add toppings and enjoy!

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