Monday, December 17, 2018

11 Reasons to See an RDN

By: Emma Kidd

What I’m realizing more and more as the year goes on is this: People still do not know exactly what a dietitian is, and therefore don’t use them when they could. Even as a dietetic intern, I am getting exposure to the MANY roles a dietitian has in all kinds of settings. It is amazing to see SO MANY how we dietitians can make a difference.
For those that don’t already know, Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) are “the food and nutrition experts who can translate the science of nutrition into practical solutions for healthy living. RDNs use their nutrition expertise to help individuals make unique, positive lifestyle changes” (ADA).

So why is it that often the dietitian is the last person we “stumble upon” when we need help with food and nutrition?  Whether one realizes it or not, an RDN can help in so many ways; so save  time and go see one! Here are just a few reasons to do this:

            1. You have an allergy:

Whether you have been diagnosed or not, dietitians can evaluate your diet and reactions to get you the help you need. We aren’t allergists, but we can guide you in the direction that you need to go to help your symptoms.

            2. You want to lose (or gain) weight:

When it comes down to it, there is no “magic pill” or “10-day fix” that will help you reach your goals. A dietitian can ensure your weight loss (or gain) is done in a HEALTHY way, with adequate nutrients and no consequences down the road.

3. You have been diagnosed with a chronic disease:

Whether it is IBD, IBS, Crohn’s, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. a dietitian can help get you the food and nutrition you need to minimize symptoms and prevent further complications. WE HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO DO THIS. We use evidence based practice to provide the best care and reach the best outcomes.

4. Disease prevention:

While genetics plays a large part in development of disease, adequate nutrition  is helpful to prevent or delay onset of many diseases.  A dietitian can help with this.

5. Your not-so-good relationship with food:
If you are trying to build or rebuild how you feel about food and choosing food, a dietitian can be both a listening ear and help you navigate that relationship with food.

6. You want a better athletic performance:

A great athletic performance can greatly benefit from correct fueling for practice and competition. A dietitian can help you get to where you want to go.

7. Your life just got extra crazy:

Ever heard of meal planning? Dietitians are experts at this one, too: well-balanced recipes, plan/make ahead strategies, or advice on how to make healthy choices when eating out.

8. You have digestion issues:

Bloating, flatulence, bowel movements are all normal processes of the human body. But if you are having issues with these, a dietitian can help you change/modify your diet or lifestyle to help with abnormal symptoms.

9. You want to eat smarter:

How many “eat like me, look like me” posts do you see on a daily basis? Probably more than you’d like. Dietitians can answer a lot of those questions about what healthy lifestyle, meals, etc. would work best for you.

10. You get sick a lot and/or you’re tired all the time:

Diet can play a much bigger role than we think. Too few calories can cause our bodies to be fatigued and our immune systems to not function properly. A dietitian can identify strategies to fix this.

11. Last but not least!...You’re curious about what Dietitians do!:

Whether you are thinking about going into the field or just have a “fact or fad” question about nutrition, RDNs are happy to help and share their expertise. I know for me, as a dietetic intern, I have been especially grateful to be able to ask questions, shadow, converse, and work alongside dietetic professionals.  It has made me grow and learn more than I ever thought I would in the field of nutrition.  I will be one of the “professionals” soon.

To be an RDN, an individual must hold a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics + 1200 hours of supervised practice (internship) + a master’s degree in nutrition and dietetics (as of 2020) and have sat and passed a board exam...AKA they know what they are talking about and how to help you with your needs!

SO: If you are looking for an RDN in your area, visit and click on Find an Expert.

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