Monday, September 18, 2017


By Ashley Amos
I have always had an interest in nutrition. That’s how I ended up in dietetics. However, it wasn’t until I made it to college that I realized how awesome food really is. After taking classes like food preparation, human metabolism, and medical nutrition therapy I learned what food does for our bodies, and I gained quite a bit of respect for food. Now that might come across as a little strange. Respect for food? I know, but I think it is something that we are lacking in our culture.

Every component of food has an impact on our bodies. It gives us energy, builds our tissues, powers our immune system, helps our nerves function properly, and the list goes on. Food can help us prevent disease and be used in the treatment of disease. How can we not appreciate and respect the food we put in our bodies? Yet, in our culture we seem to mindlessly eat and give food a bad name.

As a dietetics student I began to notice how little people knew about what they were putting in their bodies, and how little they cared. People don’t seem to view food as fuel for their body, but instead it is merely a means to survive. So as everyone runs off to work, meetings, soccer practice, etc. they just grab what is quickest. Who has time to prepare healthy meals and snacks? As a result, the market began to cater to this busy lifestyle, and perpetuated this disrespect for the food we use to nourish our bodies. On top of that we have an extremely high rate of food waste. According to the USDA, 30-40% of our food supply is wasted. I could also go into all of the food fraud, bad science, and false ideas spread by social media that give food a bad rap, but I think you get my point.

Food should be something that we all should appreciate. It should bring families and friends together in the kitchen, and around the table, and be celebrated for all that it does for us. My hope is that future dietetics professionals will be able to channel their passion for food, and share it with the rest of our community. All I’m askin’ for is a little respect.

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1 comment:

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